Biblioteca Jud. "I.N. Roman" Constanţa

  • Proceedings of the Fifth Greek-Serbian Symposium : Serbia and Greece during the First World War : The ideas of the French Revolution, the Enlightenment and the preromantic period in the Balkans, 1780-1830
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic
    Autor colectiv: Greek-Serbian. Symposium. 5 1987. Thessaloniki^
    Responsabilitate: organized by the Institute for Balkan Studies and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Thessaloniki and Volos, 9-12 October 1987
    Editura: Institute for Balkan Studies
    Locul publicării: Thessaloniki
    Anul Ediției: 1991
    Descriere: 209 p. : il.; 24 cm
    Limba: Engleză
    Serie: Institute for Balkan Studies
    Subiect: Istorie
    Subiect: Război mondial I
    Subiect: Manifestare internaţională
    Nume geografic (subiect): Grecia
    Nume geografic (subiect): Serbia
    Cota topografică: III 29203
    Clasificare: 082.1 Institute for Balkan Studies
    Clasificare: 94(495:497.1)"1914/1918"(061.3)"1987" Salonic
    Clasificare: 94(497)"1780/1830"(061.3)"1987" Salonic
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