Biblioteca Jud. "I.N. Roman" Constanţa

Lb.engleză, istorie

Subiect Tematic: Lb.engleză, istorie
Lucrări: 36 lucrari in 36 publicatii in 3 limbi
A Cultural History of the English Language de: Knowles, Gerry (Text tipărit)
A History of the English Language <$! Baugh, Albert C. 1994> de: Baugh, Albert Croll; Cable, Thomas (Text tipărit)
Images of English : A Cultural History of the Language de: Bailey, Richard Wald (Text tipărit)
The Chronology of Words & Phrases : A Thousand Years in the History of English de: Flavell, Linda M.; Flavell, Roger H. (Text tipărit)
A History of the English Language <$! Baugh, Albert C. 1978> de: Baugh, Albert Croll; Cable, Thomas (Text tipărit)
A Guide to Old English de: Mitchell, Bruce; Robinson, Fred C. (Text tipărit)
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